I remember going to church when I was younger and part of the service involved saying, “peace be with you” to those people near you. It was something that you did. It didn’t really mean much to me then, they were just words. But today, those words are more important than ever.

I am not religious but I do believe that everybody has a wairua – a spirit and that each of us has a part in the greater scheme of things. If we all took responsiblity for healing our past, for finding out who we are – our life’s purpose, then the world would be a better place. One person CAN make a difference.

I woke up this morning with the realisation that 2009 in the pakeha new year had just begun. I opened a page in “The Secret” to begin my day and read about creating our own health and wellbeing and how whatever we focus on, good or bad, we can bring about. There were words of inspiration about people who had brought themselves back to wellness just by focusing on being well and healthy. And laughter is a perfect medicine.

I then read about the many things out there in the world – anti-war campaigns that were focusing on war, anti this campaigns, anti that campaigns and I thought to myself, if we want peace in our world then lets focus on peace! Simple!

So this blog will be dedicated to my journey to create peace and will begin with me to find peace within myself….

oh and, PEACE be with you..